
Note that swimmers will not be able to compete in the Club Championships unless registration fees are paid. Registration fees can be paid either via bank transfer or at the bar on one of the club nights.

Full Season Fees

1st Swimmer in Family: $110

2nd Swimmer in Family: $85

3rd Swimmer in Family: $60

4th Swimmer in Family: $40

Little-Uns: $20

Half Season Fees (If attending only one of Term 4 / Term 1)

1st Swimmer in Family: $75

2nd Swimmer in Family: $55

3rd Swimmer in Family: $40

4th Swimmer in Family: $25

Little-Uns: $10

Notes re: Fees:

  • CSSSC Membership Fees do not include Swimming Australia (SA) fees, Swimming Queensland (SQ) or Brisbane Swimming Association (BSA) membership fees or insurances.
  • CSSSC members who wish to compete in SA, SQ or BSA sanctioned events must become members of Swimming Queensland and pay any applicable fees (which are additional to the CSSSC Membership Fees).  Please contact The Registrar for further details coorparooswimclub@gmail.com.
  • Timed swimmers compete in time trials on club nights over 25m, 50m or longer distances. Timed swimmers must be able to swim 25m unassisted.
  • “Little-Uns” participate in untimed 25m events. Older more experienced swimmers assist the younger swimmers in these events as required.
  • Half-season fees apply to swimmers who register for Term 1 only.

Payment of Fees

Pay on the night at the bar or please arrange payment of your membership fees via EFT using the payment details below:

Account NameCSS Swim Club
BSB:064 107
Account Number:00905238
Reference:Swimmers First and Last Names